Japan fought in World War II along Germany and Italy. The Japanese Army conquest many islands in the Pacific and most of the South East Asia including the Philippines, the Malaysian peninsula and Singapore. There a few figures from this army in my collection.
As usual there are seven different poses of this army including an officer and a small mortar.

The poses include the common like shooting and marching.

The prone soldier with the heavy machine gun is also a classic.
I don’t have all the figures from this maker. I hope to complete the collection in the future. The figures are typically Atlantic with a certain naïf flavour.

The prone figure trying to throw a grenade is not very convincing.

The soldier with camouflage is a very nice touch. Notice that the officer is very similar to the Airfix one.

The flag is engraved which facilitates the paint job.
The Deetail series of this company included also some Japanese infantry.

The officer is in a different pose with a katana over his head and shooting a pistol with the left hand. The soldiers wear the helmet with foliage for camouflage purposes.