This was a small collection of 20 metal miniatures from Almirall Palou edited by RBA Realizaciones Editoriales. In Portugal the collection was published in 1998. The sculpture and the painting were not outstanding as usually with this maker. Naturally there is a certain bias towards the Spanish Army.
A good book relating to XIX century uniforms, albeit mainly dealing with the U. S. civil war, is:
Kiley, Kevin F. & Digby Smith (2014). An Illustrated Encyclopedia of Military Uniforms of the 19th Century. Lorenz Books.

1 – Spain (1833-1868), Navarra infantry battalion | 2 – Spain (1843), Infantry Officer of the Liberal Army | 3 – Spain (1844-1845), Liberal Army, auxiliar of Captain-General | 4 – United Kingdom (1845), 17th regiment of Light Dragoons (Crimea) | 5 – Italy (1860), Garibaldi’s Army.

6 – Russia (1860), Guard Cossack | 7 – E. U. A. (1862), Union Army | 8 – E. U. A. (1862), Confederate Army | 9 – France (1870), Cuirassier Regiment | 10 – United Kingdom (1877), Bengali Lancer Regiment (India).

11 – United Kingdom (1879), Officer of the 24th Infantry Regiment (Africa) | 12 – Orange and Transvaal (1880-1902), Boer Army | 13 – Spain (1886), Gardia Civil | 14 – Prussia (1870), 4th Infantry Regiment | 15 – United Kingdom (1877), Colonial Army (India).

16 – Spain (1896-1898), Colonial Infantry (Cuba) | 17 – Spain (1897), Puerto Rico Militia | 18 – France (1908), Foreign Legion (Morocco) | 19 – Spain (1908-1914), Aerial Service | 20 – Japan (1904-1905), Infantry.