The not so small dwarf army of my Warhammer collection
Conheci pela primeira vez o Warhammer à uns longos anos quando visitava uma loja de modelismo e figuras de guerra em Barcelona. Desde então fui comprando algumas figuras e formei alguns exércitos.
Here you can take a look on some examples belonging to my vast collection of the dwarf army.

Bolt thrower

Any Dwarf army relies on artillery machines. Here is the bolt thrower.
Warriors are the basic type of Dwarf Army soldiers.

The axe and round shields are the basic weapons of these soldiers. These are examples of metal figures.

To increase numbers it is possible to opt for plastic figures that are less expensive. I have 8 plastic soldiers that differ only in what concerns shield decoration.

One unit with spears has the possibility of battling with the two front rows

Crossbowmen add to the firing capacity of the army. In the middle is the commander, with the standard bearer and the musician to improve moral of the unit.

More crossbowmen.

More different ones

Slayers are a very colorful type of troops. They are fanatics and very strong in the attack.