Figures Plastic

Napoleonic Wars – British Army

Infantry Armies in Plastic 5503 – British Green Jackets This company produced a box representing the famous 95th Light Infantry Regiment. As usually with this maker the same figures can be sold under different references, what can be very annoying. For example these figures represent also 5505 Portuguese Cazadores (Light Infantry). The sculp work is […]

Figures History Plastic

Napoleonic Wars – Austrian Army

Austria was one of the most resilient adversaries of the French Army. However there are not many figures representing this army. Generals Chintoys 006 Austrian General Staff This company made a large number of Generals from different armies. Sculpting is very good and a challenge to those, as myself, like to paint the miniatures. There […]

Airfix Figures History

Napoleonic Wars – French Army

The name “Napoleonic Wars” derives directly from the French General Napoleon Bonaparte. After the French Revolution this French officer had the opportunity to show his strategic qualities and ultimately crowned himself as French Emperor. Many toy soldier makers made figures of these theme, mostly French and British army, but also from other countries like Russia, […]