Figures History Metal

Napoleonic Wars

Almiral Pallou This Spanish company produced a collection of metal figures from the Napoleonic Wars that unfortunately almost only represent the French Army. The quality is not very high. Each figure was sold with a leaflet describing a battle of the war. 1 – France (1808). Grenadiers of the Guard | 2 – France (1808). […]

Figures Metal

Wars of the XIX century

This was a small collection of 20 metal miniatures from Almirall Palou edited by RBA Realizaciones Editoriales. In Portugal the collection was published in 1998. The sculpture and the painting were not outstanding as usually with this maker. Naturally there is a certain bias towards the Spanish Army. A good book relating to XIX century […]

Figures History Metal

Military Collectors – IIWW Soldiers

This collection of toy soldiers begun in 6th January 2022 and will end in 23rd February 2023 on a weekly basis. The collection is released by the Spanish firm Luppa and includes a total of 60 figures produced in China. The quality is good if not outstanding. The price is 9.95€ per figure that comes […]


Napoleon Bonaparte

Dos livros às figuras de guerra