Figures Metal Plastic

British Guards

One of the most recognisable symbols of the United Kingdom are the soldiers with the large fur hats that guard the Buckingham Palace. Britains Plastic Figures This is the figure number 2 in Peter Cole´s book (bibliography). These are the same figure with slight differences. Under the base there are engraved: “Made in England S […]

Figures History Metal Plastic

Foreign Legion

Légion Étrangère The French Foreign Legion was founded in 1831 to incorporate soldiers that were not French but wanted to fight for France. They were considered “Français par le sang versé”. This troops participated in colonial wars but also in Europe during I and II World Wars. Academy 1 2 3 4 5 6 1- […]

Figures Plastic

Science Fiction

Science fiction is a common theme for films and so is natural that some companies made figures inspired by those. The more common figures are, probably, from Star Wars films. Britains Britains produced some figures inspired by Science fiction. There were 6 different figures that were made in yellow plastic (for the good people) and […]

Composition Figures Plastic

Military Hospital

Wars cause material destruction and human casualties. Many companies included in their production examples of assistance to the war casualties. Composition Figures Lineol This German company produced some interesting figures of war casualties and medical personnel. Schusso Dogs were used for transport of medical items. The dog from left was made by Schusso the other […]

Figures Plastic

Far West – Cowboys

The name “cowboy” is a generalist designation to the people that in the XIX century explored the west of the United States. The huge production of Hollywood films whose theme was that part of US history lead to the production of many figures. Britains This maker produced many cowboys belonging to different series. Under each […]

Figures History Metal Plastic

Colonial Wars

Many European countries colonized parts of other continents, mostly Africa. The resistance of local peoples to the invaders lead to wars. Soldiers from this wars have been produced by many companies. Armies in Plastic # 5489 Mounted Arab Warriors 1900 North Africa (c) 2006 This reference depicts the Tuareg tribes that fought against French occupation […]

Figures History Plastic

WW II – Japanese Army

Japan fought in World War II along Germany and Italy. The Japanese Army conquest many islands in the Pacific and most of the South East Asia including the Philippines, the Malaysian peninsula and Singapore. There a few figures from this army in my collection. Airfix As usual there are seven different poses of this army […]

Figures History Plastic

American Revolution

The American Revolution was the war that opposed the 13 American Colonies to the United Kingdom and resulted in the independence of the United States of America. American Army A Call to Arms From this British company I have two references referring to the American Revolution. As usual with this maker you get a total […]

Figures Plastic

Far West – Indians

Many toy soldier makers included in their production Indians or Native Americans. The huge production of Hollywood films with far west theme is probably the main reason for this option. Bibliography: Johnson, Michael G. & Jonathan Smith. American Indian Tribes of the Southwest. Men-at-Arms 488. Osprey Publishing. 48pp. Johnson, Michael G. & Jonathan Smith. North […]

Figures Plastic

Robin Hood

Robin Hood is probably the most represented fictional character of all in toy soldiers. Many television series and films help to spread the interest on that story. Barzso The figures of this maker are of the generalist type not directly related to Robin Hood characters. The figure with the stick could be related to the […]