Composition Figures Plastic

Military Hospital

Wars cause material destruction and human casualties. Many companies included in their production examples of assistance to the war casualties. Composition Figures Lineol This German company produced some interesting figures of war casualties and medical personnel. Schusso Dogs were used for transport of medical items. The dog from left was made by Schusso the other […]

Figures Plastic

WW II – Russian Army

The Russian Army fought for the Allies in World War II and after a very difficult begin reached Berlin in may 1945 ending war in Europe. There are a few references representing this army. Airfix Airfix figures include the usual 7 poses. It is nice the inclusion of an officer looking for the enemy with […]

Figures History Plastic

WW II – Japanese Army

Japan fought in World War II along Germany and Italy. The Japanese Army conquest many islands in the Pacific and most of the South East Asia including the Philippines, the Malaysian peninsula and Singapore. There a few figures from this army in my collection. Airfix As usual there are seven different poses of this army […]

Figures Plastic


WWII was the most terrible war of all. Making figures representing soldiers from this war was inevitable. The conflict was fought in many different places by many different armies. The Generals The most part of figures produced related to soldiers with one officer in some boxes. The Rocco company made a group of Generals/Politicians From […]