This German produces figures with an childish appearance but some are very well researched and historically correct.

The couple Cleopatra and Julius Caesar is the most famous of Antiquity. I think they are very nicely done. Ref. 5394.

The Egyptian army very well represented with the “khopesh” sword and shields with cow skin.

A Egytian Cavalry men and a Roman centurion (Playmobil Magazine #25). Notice the very nicely done pilum and the shield decoration.
Medieval Figures

Very different armour for these soldiers. Dragon Knight; Sir Gareth; Ref. 6847.

Four more Knights. Hawk Knight; Ref. 6847; Lion King (Playmobil Magazine #28, Oct. 2018); Dragon Knight.
In April 2021 Playmobil launched a new magazine “Novelmore” (Portuguese edition) with a medieval/fantasy theme. The photo shows the first exclusive figure of this series.

The second figure from the Novelmore series is the bandit “Brody Burnham”.