Figures Plastic


This German produces figures with an childish appearance but some are very well researched and historically correct.


The couple Cleopatra and Julius Caesar is the most famous of Antiquity. I think they are very nicely done. Ref. 5394.

The Egyptian army very well represented with the “khopesh” sword and shields with cow skin.

A Egytian Cavalry men and a Roman centurion (Playmobil Magazine #25). Notice the very nicely done pilum and the shield decoration.

Medieval Figures

Very different armour for these soldiers. Dragon Knight; Sir Gareth; Ref. 6847.

Four more Knights. Hawk Knight; Ref. 6847; Lion King (Playmobil Magazine #28, Oct. 2018); Dragon Knight.


In April 2021 Playmobil launched a new magazine “Novelmore” (Portuguese edition) with a medieval/fantasy theme. The photo shows the first exclusive figure of this series.

The second figure from the Novelmore series is the bandit “Brody Burnham”.