The name “Napoleonic Wars” derives directly from the French General Napoleon Bonaparte. After the French Revolution this French officer had the opportunity to show his strategic qualities and ultimately crowned himself as French Emperor. Many toy soldier makers made figures of these theme, mostly French and British army, but also from other countries like Russia, Austria and Portugal.
French Army
As one of the main opponents in this war there are many references on the French Army mostly the Imperial Guard.
There a very large information on French Army uniforms, mainly in the Soldat magazine, as follows:
1 – La Garde Impériale – 1805-1815. Le Corps de Grenadiers.
2 – La Garde Impériale – 1805-1815. Le Corps des Chasseurs et les Marins, Artilleurs, Sapeurs, Gendarmes…
3 – La Garde Impériale – 1805-1815. La Cavalerie. Les Grenadiers à cheval, les Dragons, les Chasseurs à Cheval…
4 – La Garde Impériale – 1805-1815. La Cavalerie II. Les Chasseurs à cheval, les Mameluks, les Lanciers Polonais, les Hollandais, etc.
14 – 1715-1820. Au service de la France. Les Suisses.
17 – L’Infanterie de Ligne 1812-1815.
A Call to Arms, 17- French Line Infantry
As usual with this maker French infantry is represented by only 4 different poses that are sold in boxes of 16 figures. The poses are not of the most dynamic type but are elegant.

I gave cardboard bases to enhance figures appearance. Painted by me.
These figures are some of the best ever produced in the one piece type. Unfortunately some parts are easily broken.

The officers sword is broken.

The central figure is in a awkward pose using his rifle as a club.

This reference includes a generous 14 poses in contrast with the more common 7 poses of other Airfix references.
51463-5 Line Infantry

There are seven different poses with good quality sculpting.

Armies in Plastic
5457 – 3th Swiss Infantry Regiment
Albeit the very specific title it is possible to paint these figures with other uniforms. The sculpt work is good.

Editions Atlas
This company produced painted metal figures for collectors. The figures in my collection are from French musicians.


The ESCI figures are very elegant with normal poses but a bit static.
9305 – French Light Infantry Command
In each box we get 18 figures in 6 different poses. Sculpture in of regular quality

This Spanish company made some infantry soldiers in a 65mm from feet to eye level.

As usually I glued the figures on wood bases for increased stability.

Painting by PLC.
French Napoleonic Voltigeurs 1805-1812
This maker produces figures in kit form allowing for many different poses. The quality is very good.

A Call to Arms, 21 – French Carabiniers
In each box of this reference you’ll get 4 soldiers in very dynamic poses riding the same horse. To give a bit more variety you can paint the horses in different colours.

5429 – French Artillery

5430 – French Old Guard Artillery