Medieval figures are common in many toy makers, mainly plate armour types.
As figures de tema medieval são comuns em muitos fabricantes, nomeadamente armadas com armadura de placas.
A Call to Arms
This company produced a box of Normand soldiers in 4 poses. Albeit the option for separate shields the poses are a bit flat.
Esta firma Inglesa produziu uma série de soldados Normandos com 4 poses diferentes. Os escudos são peças separadas mas apesar desta opção as poses são bastante planas.

Airfix only made a series of the usual 7 poses. I bought some in an small bag hoping to get all the poses. Unfortunately 3 repeated poses, and I was very disappointed.
Airfix produziu uma série com as comuns 7 poses. Comprei um saco com as figuras e pensava obter as 7 poses, mas obtive 3 repetidas o que me desapontou bastante.

The second figure is in the process of climbing a lather. This is not the most useful pose. The next is in the process of defending a fortress throwing a stone on the attackers. This is not an usual pose either.
A segunda figura está a subir uma escada e não é das poses mais úteis. A seguinte está a defender um castelo lançando uma pedra sobre os atacantes. Esta também não é uma pose muito útil.

These three poses are more common. The first soldier has a two hand sword very elaborate and probably not strictly medieval.
Estas três poses são mais comuns. A primeira figura empunha uma espada a duas mãos que provavelmente não será estritamente medieval (?).
BUM – Barcelona Universal Models
This Spanish company made four Arab infantry soldiers sold in boxes of 12 figures. The figures are on the big size (about 60 mm) and fill a gap not extensively addressed by other makers.

The sculpt work is not very exciting. The swords are particularly big and figures are rather flat. In my box there were some moulding deficiencies. They all are dressed with chainmail and belong to the heavy infantry.
British produced various series on the medieval theme. Data on production was obtained in the book of Peter Cole (Bibliography).

These figures had numbers 433 and 430 in Peter Cole book. They were introduced in 1967 with siege machines, and were deleted in 1988. The different bases of my figures probably correspond to different production periods. I miss the two other figures of this series.

These figures (#522) only differ in the weapon. Made in Hong Kong.

The first figure (#526) is the only with open helmet. (#527 ; #525) This series includes two more bowmen and 4 cavaliers. Produced since 1968 until 1976 in Hong Kong.
The Deetail type of figures with a metal base included many medieval figures.

All these figures are equipped with plate armour. The third and fourth figures have the new bases with two round sides. These figures have been produced for many years and were introduced in 1973. The numbers in Peter Cole book are 691-695.

These figures are representative of Muslim armies and were made in black plastic. Production begun in 1973 and lasted at least until 1997. Only the first figure has the first type base. Serial type numbers are 703-708.

These four figures belong to a group of six that were introduced in 1978. Numbers are 909, 910, 911 and 913.
The sculpt work of these figures is not very good. The shields are too large and figures are very thin and unstable so I had to insert the bases in home made cardboard bases.

Knights in Plate Armour
As common with this company production these figures are also very elegant, with very big shields and very unstable.

One piece figures with chainmail and plate armour.
Templar soldiers Ref. 017
This company makes very good figures but only eight per box. I have put mine on wood bases.

Knights Hospitaller Ref. 018

This French company made a series of medieval knights of regular quality.

The first figure is a bit strange because it is equipped with a “ram” which was a weapon used to destroy castle’s doors. It was a very big weapon mounted in a vehicle.

Soldiers equipped with various weapons but with no shields.
This company produced many different figures including from Medieval Age. Crescent produced figures as gifts for Kellogg’s cereals. Bases are always engraved and rectangular with round corners.

The last figure in plate armour, is probably, a knight fighting on foot.

Some of these figures were all gifts of Kellogg’s cereals. The poses are very dynamic. Painted by me.

Two knights in very dynamic horses. I painted the figures and add “leather” pieces made with glue tubes. The knight is moulded with the saddle. The base is separate from the horse.

Another knight charging the enemy (painted by me).

Figures of the swoppet type. Not the best sculpture work.
Engineer Basevich
Byzantine Army
The Byzantine Army is, probably, one of the more diverse medieval armies. The figures of this Russian company are are very good and are a great pleasure to paint. As in other references from this maker there is a feminine figure which is a very nice touch.

The standard bearer, the king and the queen.

The heavy infantry. The last figure has a Normand feeling.

More heavy infantry. The second and third figures have Viking influence.

More lightly armed infantry. All figures were painted by me.
Plastic figures made in France. The sculpting is average. The chain mail is represented by small half moon plastic bits
Bibliography: Anonymous (2017). Guilbert: Les Chevaliers du moyen-âge. Eurofigurines, 50: 13p.

Figures were already painted. The swords have characteristic balls.

The weapon of the centre figure is difficult to name. It was a moulding deficiency ? In Plastic Warrior nº 151 there is a photo of an Acedo figure like the third soldier but with the sword on the right side.

These Italian company made various references with medieval theme.
6854 – Saracens
Eight figures per box in four different poses. The sculpt work is very good, namely the horses.
Cada caixa contém 8 figuras em 4 poses. A escultura é muito boa com principal evidência para os cavalos.

6882 – Arab Warriors
Unfortunately the box of these reference had only four figures albeit larger (!!!) than the previous ones. The quality is also high. The horses are all different.
Infelizmente esta referência tem apenas 4 figuras por caixa ainda que com um tamanho superior o que não faz qualquer sentido. Os cavalos são todos diferentes.

The first figure belongs to the heavy cavalry.
A primeira figura pertence à cavalaria pesada

The first figure represents Saladin.
A primeira figura representa Saladino.
This company made two boxes dealing with the French and British army of the 100 Years War, “100 Years War Special Edition”, (c) 2010.
Este fabricante produziu duas caixas com o tema específico da Guerra dos 100 Anos, designadas “Edição Especial da Guerra dos 100 Anos” em 2010.
6901 – French Knights and Warriors
Each box includes only four infantry soldiers with two crossbow men. The sculpture is very good as is almost always the case with this company.

The heraldic motives are engraved so if you want something different they must be removed before painting.
6902 – British Knights and Warriors
As expected two infantry soldiers are equipped with the famous longbow. One of these soldiers is protected by a wood spike.

The horses are very dynamic and the folds of their caparisons add to the sense of movement.
Jean Hofler
The figures from this German company are recognisable because the small bush located on the centre of the base. In the figures I have the base are engraved “W. Germany”. In an horse the engraving is more complete as it can be seen in the next photo. This figures was made after German unification and the name in only “Germany”. The logo of the company is also present.

The cavalry shows the very elegant horses made by this company. There is a strong contrast between the plate armour of knights and the light equipped horses.

These knights are equipped with small shields. The horse in the right has no bush on the base in contrast with the figures of this maker.

The knight on the right has a small flag.

Both knights of this photo are equipped with spears used in tournaments, unfortunately these spears are too short (or broken?).

The first figure lost his flag which is a common occurrence in these figures. Some day I will make a new one. The last figure is probably from the final stages of the Medieval Era or just from Renaissance.

These figures are strongly defended by plate armour and correspond to knights fighting on foot, probably on Renaissance times.
Lego produces some nice medieval figures.

Lone Star
The figures are represent Knights in plate armour. The poses are not very dynamic.

Serial numbers are, 4, 6 and 7.
This is one of the most known American companies. They produced some foot knights in plate armour.

These figures have characteristic geometric irregular bases with inclined sides.

The few shields are long and slender. They are probably not correct.
The coffee brand Mokarex offered plastic figures inside packages. The Chess set is from the high medieval theme, with a predominance of plate armour.

The figures were produced in a very hard plastic resulting in some broken pieces. Figures painted by me.
This company makes usually large figures (about 90mm height). However this medieval figures are much smaller, 40mm feet to eyes (fte). They are factory painted and very nice. Unfortunately they lack bases and are a bit unstable so I put them on hood bases.

The production of this Spanish company is very large. In some figures the logo is engraved on the underside as well as a reference number. Some figures are copies of Elastoline ones.

The figures are very nicely sculpted and are provided with chainmail. References 189; ? ; ? ; 186.

The first figure could be a Viking warrior albeit the shield small size (276). The second could be at the crusades (130). The third has a large plate breast protection (?).

The first figure is equipped with plate armour and a triangular shield (?). The shield of the second figure is of kite shape and refers to the Normand period (?).

Two kneeling figures protected by chainmail. The first the company logo is only partially engraved. The base of the second is rectangular. No reference numbers included.

These figures have no logo or reference numbers under the bases. They are probably copies.

Reamsa made a very nice group of figures depicting a medieval court with various civil figures.

It is curious that some figures were not direct copies but were clearly inspired by Starlux ones.

The pose of these figures is very similar albeit the difference of the musical instrument (Starlux on the right).

The fools are almost the image of each other on one mirror (Starlux on the left).
These figures were made in London. The figures are small but very well sculpted.

Timpo made same very interesting figures in chain mail and decorate helmets. The bases are very thin and have engraved on the top “made in England”.

The round shields had engraved motives

The shield of the second figure has an engraved unicorn.

Figures of the “swoppet” type with long shields and closed helmets.

The figures were put in cardboard bases because original bases are very small.

Other series with helmets that can be opened.

Soldiers of the Crusades period with chainmail and red cross over the chest.