This post is related to figures produced by Games Workshop after the “Lord of the Rings” films. The photos are all from my collection and were painted by me.
Characters for the Light Army were all in metal. After the name of the character is a number indicating the fascicle in whish it was released.

Gandalph The Grey (12), Aragorn (6), Legolas (8) and Gimli (21) the dwarf. These characters participated in various battles as a group.

These characters belonged to a small race known by the name of “Hobbits”. They were small but full of courage. Frodo (3); Sam (25); Merry & Pippin (32).

Denethor (57); Faramir (26); Faramir (59); Boromir (11).

Elrond (36); Gil-Galad (45); Haldir (28); Galadriel (35).

Gamling (51); Háma (53) ; Théoden (29); Eowyn (52); Isildur (47).
Elfs are an ancient Human race with special abilities. They are very good archers.

Figures are elegant but very similar.
Minas Tirith
These are the human soldiers that defend the town of Minas Tirith.

They are from heavy infantry type with very shinning armour.

Archers are equipped with long bows.

These soldiers were sold along fascicles 23 and 33.
Rohan soldiers are armed with a variety of weapons including swords, spears, axes and bows. Protection is obtained from round shields and scale armour.