German Infantry is an obligatory theme for WW II figures. I have a few versions from different makers.
Bibliography: Lee Turner (2007) Twentieth Century Retro. German Army by European Makers. Plastic Warrior, 119: 6-8 p.

Very nice figures. I add some static grass on bases.

The officer aims very carefully. The kneeling soldier is not very stable because the right knee is of the ground.

The heavy machine gun. Figures painted by me.
Airfix produced a series of figures in kit form they called “multipose”

Weapons included an heavy machine gun and the anti-tank “Panzerfaust”.

German Infantry A55210.
Deutsche Gebirgsjäger 51468-0 (c) 1973
Airfix made a very specific type of troop, the German Mountain Troops.

This figures show ropes to climb mountains. It is interesting to notice that the last two figures have the same base.

The soldier making signals with flags, unfortunately lost one of these. The other poses are more common.

It is possible to paint some figures in white camouflage.

The use of skis will increase troops velocity over snow fields. The figures are very nicely done.
Britains made two groups of six figures. In Peter Cole book they are numbered 606-611 and 876-881.

The stickers on helmets are easily lost so I painted a few.

I add paint in a few places namely the grenades shafts and webbing. I think that the quality of sculpting deserve a much better paint job. Of course this option can be looked as an heresy for those collectors that prefer the original paint job, as simple as it can be.
Elastoline was most notorious by their composition figures including both WWII figures and and Far West. As many other makers they switch to plastic in the 60´s. Figures are on the large side about 60mm height. The plastic in very hard and will broke easily. After Elastoline ceased production the company Preiser continue the release figures from the original Elastoline moulds.

Elastoline made a very comprehensive group of military musicians. These are two variations of the conductor. The second was painted by me.

Two versions of drums. The first was painted by me.

In this group of musicians the problem of broken plastic is shown on the second figure. The last figures was painted by me.

Unfortunately the flag of the second figure was broken.

Soldiers at attention and marching. The marching figure has got some impedimenta that is missing in the other figure. The marching figures were painted by me.

A cavalier saluting riding a beautiful black horse. However the horse eyes are a bit strange in white colour…
The figures made originally by Matchbox were reissued by Revell. Matchbox reference was P-6001 Germans (c) 1976.

Usual good level of Matchbox sculpting. Figures painted by me.
Revell did not only made some reissues of Matchbox references but also did it´s original sculpting work.
Deutsche Pionere – WWII – 02607 (c) 1995

An raft is not very common in toy soldiers.

Whilst one soldier is putting land mines the other is trying to detect them. One soldier is trying to cut barbed wire.

To make trenches for protection is always a tiresome work

The small vehicle was intended to get explosives where they could be more effective.
This Japanese company made kit of German mounted infantry.

Wehrmacht Mounted Infantry Set 35053 (c) 1975. Very nice figures. The reins were made with metal from glue tube. Bases are from Warhammer figures.

Not the best ever Timpo figures. However hands and weapons were moulded separate.

The casualty is taken to the Hospital. The shooting soldier had brown hands and had lost it´s original base.

A very good base with a very nicely done mortar.
This Russian company produces kits in various scales and plastic figures in 1/72 scale. They developed a wargame system “Art of Tactic”.

Bases are not original.

German Infantry, 3627, Eastern Front Winter 1941-1942 (c) 2010. Miniatures painted by me.