Figures Plastic

WW II British Infantry


The British infantry box includes an Official and a small mortar.

The soldier with the Bren light machine gun is a very nice figure. The figures were painted by me and I added a bit of static grass on the bases.

More recently Airfix launched a series of figures in kit form with 6 figures per box called “Multi-pose”.

British Infantry 03585.

British Comandos


The figures are very elegant but lack some martial looks.

Indian soldiers in British service

Very nice figures from this Italian maker. Indian soldiers had a very important role in North Africa.

Figures were glued on wood bases for increased stability.

Unfortunately there are two figures missing.


As usual for Britains plastic figures we indicate the number and production years according to Peter Cole book.

Figures with original paint. Ref. 42; 13 ; 14 ; 41 ; 16 (1953 and 1954).

Assistance to the casualties was also represented in Britains figures.

Examples of swoppet type figures. The mortar is not complete.


The Deetail series was characterized by metal bases to increase figure stability.

Ref. 718 ; 725 ; 721. Introduced in 1973. There a total of 12 different figures.

Ref. 774 ; 775. Introduced in 1974.


The figures from this British maker are interesting but not the best. It is nice to have a communications officer.


Matchbox figures are very nice well sculpted and dynamic.

The first figure is an officer full on confidence. There are many different weapons including a bazooka but, unfortunately, not a mortar.


I never liked the small bases of Timpo figures because they have a very strong tendency to go asleep… To keep figures in upright position I made larger bases in cardboard were original bases can slide on, without the need of glue.

In these figures some hands are moulded with guns and became brown.

Three different mould options. In the first figure hands and gun were moulded in one piece so hands are darker than face. In the second figure the pistol is separate from hand. The third figure is simplified as hands are in green plastic and the back pack is a separate piece. Boots are also green.

A very nice heavy support that came with ruined walls. “Machine Gun Crew and Rifleman plus Shell-torn wall Ref. 764”