Ancient Greece was divided in many city states that were often at war. The most important were Athens and Sparta. There are only a few figures of Greek soldiers, namely from Britains and Expeditionary Force. For simplicity we included also the Macedonian army which were considered by Greeks as barbarians.
Sekunda, Nicholas Victor & Angus McBride (1986). The Ancient Greeks. Elite Series, 7. Ed. Osprey Military. 64pp.
Sekunda, Nicholas & Adam Hook (2000). Greek Hoplite, 480-323 BC. Warrior 27. Ed. Osprey Military. 64pp.
John Warry (1991). Alexander 334-323 BC. Conquest of the Persian Empire. Campaign Series, 7. Ed. Osprey Military. 96pp.
Britains made six classic Greek figures. This is the only cavalry pose. In Peter Cole book (see general Bibliography) the rider has number 90 and the horse 90a. The figures were introduced in 1957 and production ceased in 1976. The horse had no base and was very unstable so I made a wood base.

The next three figures were made in Hong Kong, which is easily recognisable by the base shape. The figures were painted by me.

The other two figures were made in England, and had different bases. The first figure got a very large (exagerated…) helmet.

The sculpture is not the best and the shields are to small.
Expeditionary Force
This new maker of toy soldiers specialised in 60mm figures. The figures are not strictly of the kit type but are made of a small number of separate pieces. Unfortunately the plastic is not easy to glue. The series is “Wars of Classical Greece 510 BC – 323 BC”.
54Grk 01R – Greek Psiloi and Archers

The poses are very similar. The figure in the middle can have the role of commander.

Each box contains 9 figures in 5 different poses, albeit in some cases only the head is different as in the case with the slingers and the archers.
GRK 03R – Greek Hoplites
Each box includes 9 figures with a commander.

GRK 19R Alexander’s Companion Cavalry

Alexander the Great with a companion.

Three more companions. Figures painted by me.
Russian Maker
I bought this magnificent figures that were made by a nameless Russian maker from Steve Weston. I think that the figures could be originally made in metal.

The shields are engraved which facilitate the paint job. As usually I made larger wood bases.

Figures painted by me.

Horses are nicely moulded and riders are very similar.