Légion Étrangère
The French Foreign Legion was founded in 1831 to incorporate soldiers that were not French but wanted to fight for France. They were considered “Français par le sang versé”. This troops participated in colonial wars but also in Europe during I and II World Wars.

1 2 3 4 5 6
1- Chad 1980| 2 – Algeria 1960’| 3 – Djibouti 1980′ | 4 – Algeria 1960′ | 5 – Chad 1980′ |6 – Vietnam 1948.
These figures are in kit form and depict Foreign Legion from modern times. Bases are not original being from Warhammer figures. Reference number is 1381.
Britains made some Foreign Legion soldiers in the Deetail range. The numbers under the figures are those from Peter Cole’s book “Suspended Animation”.

786 787 788

789 805

792 793 785
C.B.G. Mignot
These are metal figures in usual poses.

The figures of Foreign Legion soldiers are not the best from this company. The reference numbers are L1 and L4, and the poses are very similar as they were almost reflections on a mirror

References L4 and L1. This last one is throwing a grenade.
Timpo figures are from one piece and swopet type.
One Piece
Sculpture of these figures is average. One soldier is taken the security pin from a grenade with his teeth! Not a very clever option.


Poses are typical of Timpo figures. Soldiers are from modern times probably IIWW and after. As usually I opted to insert figures in cardboard bases to increase stability.
Unknown Makers

These figures represent soldiers from colonial wars. There have characteristic large bases.