United States cavalry was an important element in the rush to the west. There are many versions of this army branch made by toy soldier makers.
The figures made by this Spanish company are elegant and nicely done even if they are not up to the level of most modern makers.

The officer, on the right, is dressed more to be on a parade, but is a very nice figure. Unfortunately, as is frequently the case, the sword is broken on the tip.

I´ve got only one type of horse. The cardboard bases were added to improve the figures stability.

The underfeed aspect of figures is well present on this photo

The problem with officer´s sword is shown here. May be, some day, I will make a replacement.

All figures were glued on cardboard bases and were painted by me.
I have a few figures from this British maker. The sculpture work is good.

The injured soldier gives more variety to the poses. The last figure has a part of a wood fence on the base which is a very nice option. Ref. C22; C41; ?.

The bugler is going to transmit orders. Ref. C39; C36; C37.

Ref. C18.
All figures were painted by me.

It is probable that the head of the first figure is not original. The last figure has got brown hat and boots which is less common. As in many swoppet type of figures it is often difficult to be sure about pieces origin.

The first figure has a smaller hat but the hair is painted. The base is not Timpo original because is engraved “Mini Big”. The type of jacket means that these soldiers are officers.

In this group of figures it is noticeable that the last one got a grey hat.

These figures show a different type of hat from the previous ones. The last is equipped with a sword whish would be more appropriate to an officer.