Figures History Metal

Napoleonic Wars

Almiral Pallou

This Spanish company produced a collection of metal figures from the Napoleonic Wars that unfortunately almost only represent the French Army. The quality is not very high. Each figure was sold with a leaflet describing a battle of the war.

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1 – France (1808). Grenadiers of the Guard | 2 – France (1808). Head Quarters | 3 – France (1812). Fusilier of the Neuchatel Battalion | 4 – France (1810). Horse Guard | 5 – France (1810). Sailors of the Guard.

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6 – United Kingdom (1813). Highlanders | 7 – France (1810). Horse Artillery of the Guard | 8 – France (1808). Guard Dragoons | 9 – France (1812). Engineer | 10 – France (1808). Mamelukes Officer.

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11 – France (1810). Elite Guard | 12 – France (1810). 3th Grenadier Regiment | 13 – United Kingdom (1815). 69th Line Infantry Regiment | 14 – France (1810). 1st Guard Grenadiers Regiment | 15 – France (1811). Polish Lancer.

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16 – France (1810). Guard | 17 – France (1810). Guard Foot Artillery | 18 – France (1815). Napoleon | 19 – France (1811). Guard Red Lancer | 20 – France (1808). Officer from the 4th Swiss Regiment.

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21 – France (1810). Guard Horse Grenadier | 22 – United Kingdom (1815). Sharpshooters 95th Regiment | 23 – France (1812). Hussar 1st Regiment | 24 – France (1808). Cuirassiers 1st Regiment | 25 – United Kingdom (1813). Horse Artillery.

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26 – France (1810). Guard Foot Dragoons | 27 – United Kingdom (1815). Hussars 15th Regiment | 28 – United Kingdom (1811). Light Dragoons 13th Regiment | 29 – United Kingdom (1815). Scots Greys | France (1808). Cantiniere.