Figures Plastic

Carthaginian Army

Carthaginians were a people that were the most fierce rivals of Romans for the domination of the Mediterranean. In spite of this evidence, there are not many figures representing this army. CTS – Classic Toy Soldiers Carthaginian in Combat This company made a small set of Carthaginians and it´s allies. The figures are a bit […]

Figures Plastic

Greek Army

Ancient Greece was divided in many city states that were often at war. The most important were Athens and Sparta. There are only a few figures of Greek soldiers, namely from Britains and Expeditionary Force. For simplicity we included also the Macedonian army which were considered by Greeks as barbarians. Bibliography: Sekunda, Nicholas Victor & […]

Figures Metal

Wars of the XIX century

This was a small collection of 20 metal miniatures from Almirall Palou edited by RBA Realizaciones Editoriales. In Portugal the collection was published in 1998. The sculpture and the painting were not outstanding as usually with this maker. Naturally there is a certain bias towards the Spanish Army. A good book relating to XIX century […]

Figures Metal Plastic

Napoleon Bonaparte

This French General is, probably, the most represented General of all times. I got a few miniatures both in plastic and in metal. 1 – Bust in plastic | 2 – Figure in metal from Military Masters series made by Westair Reprodutions Ltd 1972 | 3 – A gift from the Magazine “Vae Victis” in […]

Figures Metal Semi-flat

Metal Home Made Figures

There are some companies that produce moulds for the collector to make their own miniatures at home. This option is more useful for those who are interest in the wargame hobby and need a large number of similar figures. Bibliography Bartlett, Chris (2015). Not everyone´s cup of tea… Toy Soldier Collector, 64: 48-49. Tisone, Michael […]

Figures History Plastic

Antiquity – Barbarians

The term “Barbarians” was the name given by Romans to all people that they consider non-civilized. Under that name we can include not only Gaul and German tribes but many other living north of Danube and in Asia. Hät 9019 – Spanish Warriors (c) 2007 The figures made by Hat represent one of the many […]

Figures Plastic

WW II – Russian Army

The Russian Army fought for the Allies in World War II and after a very difficult begin reached Berlin in may 1945 ending war in Europe. There are a few references representing this army. Airfix Airfix figures include the usual 7 poses. It is nice the inclusion of an officer looking for the enemy with […]

Figures History Plastic

WW II – Japanese Army

Japan fought in World War II along Germany and Italy. The Japanese Army conquest many islands in the Pacific and most of the South East Asia including the Philippines, the Malaysian peninsula and Singapore. There a few figures from this army in my collection. Airfix As usual there are seven different poses of this army […]

Figures History Metal

Military Collectors – IIWW Soldiers

This collection of toy soldiers begun in 6th January 2022 and will end in 23rd February 2023 on a weekly basis. The collection is released by the Spanish firm Luppa and includes a total of 60 figures produced in China. The quality is good if not outstanding. The price is 9.95€ per figure that comes […]

Figures Plastic

Napoleonic Wars – British Army

Infantry Armies in Plastic 5503 – British Green Jackets This company produced a box representing the famous 95th Light Infantry Regiment. As usually with this maker the same figures can be sold under different references, what can be very annoying. For example these figures represent also 5505 Portuguese Cazadores (Light Infantry). The sculp work is […]