The American Revolution was the war that opposed the 13 American Colonies to the United Kingdom and resulted in the independence of the United States of America.
American Army
A Call to Arms
From this British company I have two references referring to the American Revolution. As usual with this maker you get a total of 16 figures but only four different poses.

10 – Maryland Infantry. The first figure is probably a soldier of the light infantry and the second belong to the regular army. The last two figures represent the irregular infantry made from frontiersmen with their every day cloths. They are not the most animated poses but are nicely sculpted.
This figures were produced by Accurate and afterwards reissued by Revell with reference 2604. the level of sculpting is very good.

This three figures are from the regular infantry.

The first figure represents probably Benjamin Franklin.
The figures are not very dynamic and rother small, 45mm from base to eye level.

British Army
A Call to Arms

32 – British Light Infantry. Nicely sculpted figures in the style of “A Call to Arms”. Is interesting to see that the second figure uses an axe probably left by an Indian opponent.
The soldiers made by accurate represent the regular British Army. As usual with this maker the figures were also produced under the Revell brand. There are 10 different poses well moulded.

The drummer belongs to the grenadiers as you can see by his cap.

The problem with plastic figures is the curvature of same pieces like rifles and spears.

In conclusion these are nice figures but the inclusion of a single grenadier makes little sense.

These are swoppet type figures. The first and second are from American army. Figures were produced between 1965 and 1968 and again in 1976 for the Bicentennial.

The figure in the middle is a transformation not original. In total there five different legs and four different torsos. A group of six different arms ads to variation.
This company produced a box of artillery. These figures could be used by both armies.

The cannon is a nice element and the servants are also well sculpted.

As you can see, poses are very natural and I like mostly the soldiers that protect their ears from the blast of the cannon. As I often do for stability purposes the figures were glued on wood bases.