When we buy a plastic kit we get some quantity of sprue. There are two options; we can put that excess of plastic in garbage can or we opt to use that material in a project. Looking at the morphology of sprues I had, I decided to make a bridge. Let´s see how I did it.

The first step was to glue bits of plastic taking advantage of the fact that two sides were not parallel and a round shape was obtained. The plastic bits were about 5 cm long.

In the end of this phase I got an half-pipe. The figure is of the 28mm scale.

After the central section was complete, it was necessary to make the sides with more plastic bits

After making the lower part of the bridge I decided that side walls were needed so soldiers did not fall in the river.

Of course after one bridge made why not make another?

The final step was to paint with a kind of stone color. I hope you liked this idea to avoid some garbage.

As you can see it is possible to make a bridge with more than one arch.